In the film Avengers: Endgame (2019), After Thanos has wiped half of all living creates in the universe, the remaining Avengers band together for a trip across time to bring back their friends for one last stand against the mad titan! With the final battle nearly lost, Iron-Man manages to snap all Infinity-Stones in one final act of bravery taking the task of reversing the damage caused by Thanos upon himself.
In the now-famous pose, Iron-Man in his Mark-85 suit is seen kneeling on the ground, ready to snap his fingers in this 6 inch D-Stage Statue by the Beast Kingdom. With all Infinity-Stones in place, the electric current of a thousand stars courses through Tony’s human body, causing cracks in his armour. Accurately re-creating this famous scene the D-Stage matches Tony Stark with a detailed 3D backdrop including a fallen Avengers logo. With his final words of “I Am Iron Man” uttered, the last ever sacrifice from Iron Man was delivered and movie magic was made!
The Beast Kingdom brings the Iron Man character played by a charming Robert Downey Jr in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a 360-degree diorama filled with vivid details and amazing paintwork.
Proudly brought to you by Superhero Toystore, India's largest and most comprehensive online store for the Beast Kingdom and Official Marvel Studios Statues, Action Figures and other Pop culture Merchandise!
Category: 3000-10000, avengers, Avengers Endgame, beast-kingdom, Comics, GST-18%, iron-man, marvel, Marvel Comics, Movie, movies, Robert Downey jr., statue, Superhero